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Aaarrrrrggghhhhh!! Well today was a crap day. Two quizzes that were just an absolute pain in the rear ._. Which probably wouldn't have been if i had put more effort into it >_>. Its kinda sad when you're stuck in a rutt, and you always tell yourself, "I am gonna get out tomorrow for sure". Only to realize that its tomorrow and you're filled with regret, dissappointed in your self... and depressed. Do you get what am saying? Hmmm for example sleeping habits, you know you should really try to sleep before midnight, but somehow you always end up in bed after 3 am. Then spend the whole of the next day exhausted and devoid of any motivation to do any sort of school work or is that just me? However this, I know, may not be fixed in the near future as my natural time clock seems horribly screwed up.
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<_<  ._.  >_> Yay my first blog post ever! ...not quite sure what to write though... how do people do this. Maybe I should start with who I am... :O wait who am I?! :( well this cant be good. I'll probably think of something tomorrow, or the day after... eventually... This is a pretty bad first post huh. I shall like to think that after a week of this I will be a professional writer, and write five books. My books will be epic bestsellers, out doing the likes of J.K Rowling and George R. R. Martin.  I'll retire filthy rich at the ripe old age of 21 married with ten children to take care of my needs and disappear to my private island where I will plan to take over Madagascar and then probably Poland. Yeah that definitely sounds like a plan. So am probably gonna start today or tomorrow or the day after that........